Total Testosterone

Low testosterone in men causes loss of muscle mass, decreased energy and libido, and infertility.  These generalized symptoms are a result of   testosterone hormone affecting variety of different organs and tissue in the body.

In young adults and adolescents, difficulty gaining muscle mass despite strength resistance exercise and failure of development of facial beard and deepening of voice  suggest low testosterone.



  • $39.00


  • Arrive between 8 AM and 10 Am for blood collection.


  • HSA/FSA: accepted
  • Sample type: blood
  • Age: 18+ years of age to purchase.
  • Results in 2-3 days following collection. 

Testosterone, Total, LC/MS/MS

1. If your Having above symptoms
2. As part of male infertility work up
3. *The endocrine society recommends being screened for testosterone deficiency If you have  the following medical conditions in which low testosterone is prevalent;   Type 2 Diabetes, Advanced Renal Failure  on Hemodialysis,  Having  suffered  law trauma bone fracture at a young age, osteoporosis in a male,  Advanced COPD,  being on medications that affect testostrone production such as high-dose steroids and or opioid pain medications.  

*Reference: Testosterone therapy in men with androgen deficiency syndromes: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010;95(6):2536

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Step 2:
Provide Sample

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Step 3:
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