Male Infertility Screen

In about one third of the time, infertility is due to male factor alone. It is defined as a failure to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse.  The evaluation of male Infertility  should be done In coordination with your primary care physician and or fertility specialist.

The complete evaluation of infertility  includes a thorough medical history from early sexual development to  current sexual history,  presence of any major surgeries or trauma to the pelvis, use of recreational drugs and  Anabolic steroids. 

In addition to a history & physical,  Endocrine lab testing measuring levels of  total testosterone LH & FSH  will help rule out systemic disorders as well as secondary hypogonadism as a cause. Men with Normal testosterone, LH and FSH levels will need additional testing such as  semen analysis.


  • $150.00


  • An early morning blood draw between 8 am and 10 am is recommended.


  • HSA/FSA: accepted
  • Sample type: blood
  • Age: 18+ years of age to purchase.
  • Results in 2-3 days following collection. 

1. FSH
2. LH
3. Total Testosterone

As part of a diagnostic work up for Male Infertility.

Step 1:
Choose your Step

Shedule an appointment and pay online

Step 2:
Provide Sample

Bring confirmation number a long with Photo ID to our location

Step 3:
Access Your results online

View result online by logging in to your Account