This panel tests for common viral infections of the liver leading to chronic liver disease including Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and Hepatitis A. The hepatitis panel gives more information about a Hepatitis B infection; whether acute or chronic.
1.Hep A IgM-Screens for Acute Hepatitis A infection.
2.Hep C antibody: Screens for presence of Hepatitis C infection.
3.Hep B surface Antigen (HBsAg)-is a protein that is on the surface of Hepatitis B virus and its presence in the blood indicates person is infected with Hepatitis B.
4. IgM antibody to Hepatitis B core antigen (IgM anti-HBc): The presence of this antibody in the blood indicates acute infection with hepatitis B Virus.
1.Anyone with abnormal liver function tests
2.Individuals having lived in countries where prevalence of Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B is 2% or greater per WHO guidelines.
3. This test may also be ordered as part of a diagnostic work up by your primary care doctor.
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